Baby Brands Gift Club

Who is Baby Brands? We are Canada’s largest distributor of Gift Bags containing; coupons, relevant information, offers and samples for new and expecting parents in Canada. Our Gift Bags are Free for new and expecting parents. We don’t ship directly to people’s homes but instead we have a great network of hospitals, doctors offices, doulas, ultrasound clinics OBGYN’s etc who hand our Free Gift Bags out to their clients. We also visit baby shows across the country to hand out our bags directly to you. We LOVE giving away gifts and prizes and at every show we give away at least 1 awesome gift basket to a lucky randomly draw winner. We also give away gifts and baskets on social media so make sure to follow us. And don’t forget our Annual Grand Prize draw, this year it’s $5,000! 1 lucky registrant will be randomly pulled from our database so join today. It’s Free and it could be you

 For more information go to or follow us on social media @babybrandsgiftclub or on Facebook at babybrandsgiftclub1.